my heart for you will never break my smile for you will never fade my love for you will never end I ♥ YOU
Monday, December 24, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
love is not just about finding the right person
love is not just
about finding
the right person
but creating
right relationship,
it's not about
how much
love you have
in the begining,
but how much
love built
till the end....
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Saturday, August 11, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012

Love is not about finding the right person..but creating a right relationship.. It's not about how much love you have in the begining..but how much love you build till the end..
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Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
During Hug

A Girl's Head Is Always Down
She Considers Her Boy To Be
Her World n Gets Lost In It . . .
A Boy's Head Is Always Up
No Other Guy Dares To Look
At His Girl . . . ♥♥
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012
I miss u dad... ♥

My protection..
My trust..
My brain..
My kindness..
My life,
your reflection and theres no one else I'd rather to be..
Miss you so much..
My memories live on in my heart..
Like the sunshine..
Never ending and never fading..
Sleep well dad
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Monday, August 6, 2012
Please come back home....

I wish I had my dad by my side today..
Just thinking of him makes me cry..
Why so soon he had to go..
Before I had to say good-bye...
He should show me the type of male,
I should look for in a mate..
Now that He's gone, I feel I'm all alone..
I wish I could have told him,
"I love you" and "daddy,take care"..
Before he went to the war..
I love you, I love you.. Please come back..
I want you to be by my side for ever and ever..
All the time when I see his grave..
I fall down on my knees and begin to cry..
I want him back, it's not fair..
A dad like him was very rare..
Why so soon he had to go..
I miss my dad with all my heart..
He never had time to spend with me..
He only saw my some of caterpillar years..
But today I had grown up and young..
His daughter is going to spread her wings..
Will he comes to see how she is going to fly..
Please come back home..
Your butterfly going to fly...
This isn't happening without you..
It can't be true...
Just thinking of him makes me cry..
Why so soon he had to go..
Before I had to say good-bye...
He should show me the type of male,
I should look for in a mate..
Now that He's gone, I feel I'm all alone..
I wish I could have told him,
"I love you" and "daddy,take care"..
Before he went to the war..
I love you, I love you.. Please come back..
I want you to be by my side for ever and ever..
All the time when I see his grave..
I fall down on my knees and begin to cry..
I want him back, it's not fair..
A dad like him was very rare..
Why so soon he had to go..
I miss my dad with all my heart..
He never had time to spend with me..
He only saw my some of caterpillar years..
But today I had grown up and young..
His daughter is going to spread her wings..
Will he comes to see how she is going to fly..
Please come back home..
Your butterfly going to fly...
This isn't happening without you..
It can't be true...
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Sunday, August 5, 2012
I've realized a relationship undergo many stages
I've realized a relationship undergo many stages :-
When its new... both lovers feel an excitement... a flow of romance... lots of loving 'n pleasure moments... it all feels awesome...'n heavenly....... ?
Then few months or days later... this excitement fades away... one partner still deal it patiently... he/she still keeps on loving... caring with the same intensity and yes feeling hurt because of cold responses from the other partner....... !! :(
Few days passes by... then comes a stage where the one who was putting efforts... starts to give up... because his/ her efforts seems useless... the love 'n care seems to get lost somewhere....... !! ;(
'n finally it comes on the verge of breaking up... not bcz of misunderstanding but bcz of ignorance of each others feelings....... !!! </3
Dear guys 'n gals :-
Relationship is not about caring in the beginning but loving each other more 'n more with each passing day... its not about never fighting but with how less time you both take to forget the fight 'n love back...... ?
Both need to put in some efforts... because a relationship is for two people... not just one sided sacrifice... both need to show they love each other n' are important in their lives....... !! ? ? ~
Don't lose someone who loves you so much just because of other priorities in life... bcz if you won't have your love beside you... success 'n other happiness won't matter much........ !!! ^_^
:: Always hold that hand tightly who loves you with all his/her heart 'n never let go in any case, because later in life you may realize your mistake but at that time he/she may not be their waiting for you !!!
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Friday, August 3, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
a man can love a million girls..
a man can love a million girls..
but only a real man can love girl in a million ways...
source :
but only a real man can love girl in a million ways...
source :
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Never misuse the one who likes you
Never misuse the one
who likes you..
Never say busy to the one
who needs you..
Never cheat the one who really trust you..
Never forget the one
who always remember you!
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
perfect relationship
A perfect relationship isn't actually perfect at all,
it consists of two people who NEVER give up on each other despite any hurt or pain...
Source: consists of two people who NEVER give up on each other despite any hurt or pain...
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Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Do you ever get that feeling where you don't want to talk to anybody? You don't want to smile and you don't want to fake being happy. But at the same time you don't know exactly what's wrong either. There isn't a way to explain it to someone who doesn't already understand. If you could want anything in the world it would be to be alone. People have stopped being comforting and being alone never was. At least when you're alone no one will constantly ask you what is wrong and there isn't anyone who won't take 'I don't know' for an answer. You feel the way you do just because. You hope the feeling will pass soon and that you will be able to be yourself again, but until then all you can do is wait. :( ♥
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Saturday, July 21, 2012
Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule.
Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule.
But love people who never look at their schedule when you need them.
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Thursday, July 19, 2012
My Ex Has Moved On But I Still Want Her Back My Ex Has Moved On But I Still Want Her Back

There is a former head coach for the NFL team the N.Y. Jets who said something incredibly memorable after a big loss one Sunday. 'This is what's great about sports. This is what the greatest thing about sports is. You play to win the game. Hello? You play to win the game. You don't play it to just play it. That's the great thing about sports: you play to win, and I don't care if you don't have any wins. You go play to win. When you start tellin' me it doesn't matter, then retire. Get out! 'Cause it matters.?
Right now may be the most important game of your life. The results could have a direct impact on the rest of your life. This is something that is supposed to be taken seriously. It is something that you have to believe you can do. It is something that you have to try and do. How to win ex back is to put everything in and hold nothing back. How to win your ex back is to play to win the game.
Is getting back with your ex really important to you? How much thought have you put into this? How much time have you spent looking at yourself and trying to improve areas that may have caused problems? The truth is, you will never know how to win back ex unless you decide that it is the top priority in your life. Treat it as the most important thing in your life and chances are you will have a greater chance of success.
When you are seeking relationship advice and are asking, 'how to win back ex' the advice you get won't matter unless you believe that this is something you can do. If you want that romance to return, you have to believe that you can do it. Why even bother playing if you you don't believe that you can win ex back? You have to have confidence in not only your ability to do this but you have to believe that you deserve this. Believe in yourself and you will soon find out how to win ex back.
If your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend is worth the effort then you have to put some effort in trying to get them back. You want to know how to win ex back? Play the game! Don't just sit around thinking about it? Do something! All the greatest ideas in the world is meaningless unless they are put into practice. It is true that knowing is half the battle but no game or battle half fought has ever been won. You want to get your ex back, you are going to have to do something about it.
The real way how to win ex back is to just jump right in and give it everything you got. What ever strategy you employ, don't mess around. Take it seriously and put 100% in. If you know what it is that your ex wants then hold nothing back. Meet their needs. Find out what it is that you have to do and put everything into it.
Getting back with your ex is a huge challenge but it is something that you can do. Just make sure that you treat this as the important thing that it is. If you learn how to take it seriously and really play to win the game then you may have just found out how to win ex back.
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It's impossible
It's easy to
Delete a number,
Ignore a call or
Unfriend someone
Moving on and erasing that person
from your heart seems impossible :( ♥
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
~Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances,
losing and finding happiness,
appreciating the memories and learning from the pain
and realizing that people always change~
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Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
lose ....
It takes only a minute to have a crush on someone,
but nobody ever told me that it only takes a second to lose them forever.
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Thursday, July 12, 2012
wait for you...
Roses are red...
violets are blue....
But no matter how long i have to wait for you, my luv for you is everlasting true...
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
They judge you now,
but they will need you someday.
They ignore you now,
but they will chase you someday.
That's life.....
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Do you know how it feels...
Do you know how it feels
When someone throws you out of their life for someone else..?
Do you Know how it feels
When you want to die with each breath..?
Do you know how it feels
wen you someone else snatching the person you loved the most..?
Do you know how it feels..
when you Have to say "I'm fine" 'n fake a smile
But Nothing is OK at all..?
Do you know how it feels
when you try hard to smile but tears fall unknowingly..?
Do you know how it feels to know..
that the I Only wish you had will never be fulfilled..?
I have gone through all of these..
Just Because Of you
'n in Return...
I will be Loving You Forever with My Broken Heart...
I'll be Loving You with all these Broken Pieces..
But my love will be Stronger than Any Unbroken Heart..
No One Can Love You Like I Can... !
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Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Waiting for you..
A thousand lights had made me colder and I don’t think I can look at this the same..
But all the miles had separate...
They disappeared now when I’m dreaming of your face....
I’m here without you baby but you're still on my lonely mind...
I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time...
I’m here without you baby but you're still with me in my dreams....
And tonight it’s only you and me....
The miles just keep rolling as the people either way to say hello.....
I hear this life is overrated but I hope it gets better as we go...
I’m here without you baby but you're still on my lonely mind...
I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time....
I’m here without you baby but you're still with me in my dreams...
And tonight, girl, it’s only you and me....
Everything I know, and anywhere I go....
it gets hard but it won’t take away my love....
And when the last one falls, when it’s all said and done....
it get hard but it won’t take away my love....
I’m here without you baby but you're still on my lonely mind...
I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time...
I’m here without you baby but you're still with me in my dreams....
And tonight it’s only you and me.... ♥ ♥
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I ♥ U
It's nice when someone cares about you ..
As much as you care about them .."♥"
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